School Treasurer Licensure - OASBO Pathway Program

Ohio Treasurer License – Requirements For Licensure


The requirements for obtaining a school treasurer’s license in Ohio include both educational and field experience requirements, as well as a state administered assessment. OASBO offers a Pathway Program that can serve as the field experience requirement.

For information on obtaining or renewing an Ohio Treasurer or Business Manager licenseplease visit the State Board of Education’s Educator Licensure section.

Educational Requirements

A baccalaureate degree in business, plus

  • A three-semester hour course in school law and

  • A three semester-hour course in school finance

A baccalaureate degree in a non-business area, plus

  • Three semester hours in accounting, and

  • Six additional semester hours in accounting, business, or finance-related coursework (such as economics, statistics, information systems and operations management), and

  • A three-semester hour course in school law and a three-semester hour course in school finance.

Field Experience Requirement

There are three paths to completing the field experience requirement for a School Treasurer License in Ohio:

  1. Completion of a 300-hour field-based internship under the guidance of a school treasurer,
  2. Direct certification based on two years of relevant work experience (subject to approval by the State Board of Education), and
  3. OASBO’s Pathway Program.

State Assessment

Following the completion of the educational and field experience requirements, candidates must pass an exam administered by the State Board of Education. This exam is required for initial licensure only and not for renewal.

  • The framework and domains for the exam can be found here.
  • Preparation materials including the study guide for the exam can be found here.
  • Register to take the exam here.

About Oasbo’s Pathway Program


The OASBO Pathway Program provides a practical and comprehensive program that leads to licensure.
Taught by experienced practitioners, OASBO’s Pathway program combines classroom learning, assessments, and a five-year forecasting project—providing essential knowledge and skills for future success in a school district treasurer role. The OASBO Pathway Program serves as one of the three field experience pathways to licensure.

OASBO Pathway Program Admission requirements

While there is no entry assessment required to apply for the program, you must meet the following minimum requirements:

  1. Achieved at least senior status at an accredited undergraduate university with an anticipated graduation date within 12 months of program application.
  2. Achieved or demonstrated ability to achieve appropriate degree and/or accounting hours necessary for licensure within 12 months of program application.
  3. Enrolled or documented plans to enroll in School Law and School Finance  within 12 months of program application. 
  4. Agreement to complete OASBO’s required Essentials Courses within 18 months of program application.
  5. Agreement to enter OASBO's Mentoring Program within 60 days of employment as a school treasurer.
  6. Must be an OASBO member. (Click here to learn more about OASBO Membership, and to join).


Plan of Study

Pathway participants must complete the following OASBO Essentials Courses, the Capstone Project, and Mentoring Program. This is the preferred (but not mandatory) order in which candidates should take the Essentials Courses:​

Essentials of Budgeting & Forecasting and Essentials of School Funding & Finance must be attended in-person by those who are enrolled in the Pathway program. All other courses are available for purchase on-demand. All six Essentials Courses are offered in-person over the summer, which we have termed the “OASBO Bootcamp.”

In-Person ONLY:

On-Demand Option:

Note - College Credit: Through a partnership with Ashland University, OASBO offers college credit for the Essentials Courses. Typically, individuals who take the Essentials Courses for college credit already have a Treasurer License and are taking the college courses to apply for the renewal of their license. Should you wish to seek college credit for any of the courses, please contact our office for details. Additional fees apply.

Capstone Project

Complete an OASBO Capstone Project - Effectively Presenting a Five-Year Forecast. Each candidate will receive two attempts to pass the project. Candidates will be notified of Capstone results within 48 hours. 

  • Research and interview (Estimated time to complete - 12 hours)

  • Presentation development (Estimated time to complete - 4 hours)

  • Presentation to Peer Group (10-15 minutes)\

Program Completion

Once a candidate has completed all the requirements of the Pathway Program, they will receive a formal certificate of completion from OASBO. They will submit that to SBOE along with their application for licensure. Candidates also need to have transcripts sent to SBOE. 

Mentoring Program

As part of OASBO’s Pathway Program, participants agree to complete a twelve-month Mentoring Program after receiving their Treasurer License and becoming employed as a Treasurer/CFO, including a Mentoring Assessment at the end of the program.


OASBO Membership is required. If you work in the business or finance office of a school district, an associate membership is $50. For those who do not work in the business or finance office of a district, student membership is complimentary. 

  • Each two-day course is $200/member, $400/non-member.

  • Each one-day course is $100/member, $200/non-member.

​Click here to download an application.
Click here to see frequently asked questions.


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