Annual Conference & Expo Track Sessions Subcommittee

The Annual Conference Track Sessions Sub-Committee is one of three sub-committees of the standing Annual Conference Committee. Any OASBO Member may join this committee. The purpose of this committee is to oversee all items related to Annual Conference Track Session selection and facilitation.
Committee work includes:
- Soliciting track session applications;
- Selecting the final program of track sessions;
- Assisting in securing facilitators for track sessions at the conference.
This sub-committee meets two times per year with the OASBO staff and holds additional conference call meetings as necessary. This committee is chaired by the Annual Conference Committee Chair (OASBO President-Elect), and the vice chair is the OASBO Vice President.
Committee Contacts
- Co-Chair: Kent Zeman,, (Annual Conference Committee Chair and Board President-Elect)
- Co-Chair: Todd Puster,, (Board President)