Human Resources Agenda

We support the recruitment, training, and retention of high-quality staff to carry out the important work of managing school districts and educating students in Ohio. The salaries and benefits for teachers and other staff account for approximately 80% of the expenses in a school district. As such, school districts rely on efficient policies and procedures to manage financial and personnel resources to ensure that quality instruction is provided to each student across the state.
OASBO supports state policies that further school management and personnel initiatives, including policies that:
- Allow school districts sufficient flexibility in determining staff compensation (including salary, benefits and other leave provisions), balancing the need to attract and retain qualified staff against the need to ensure that public resources are used efficiently.
- Promote changes to current collective bargaining and management rights laws that are in the best interest of the school district and the community it serves.
- Encourage the recruitment, training and retention of high-quality staff.
- Support equity, diversity and inclusion for students, staff, and the community.
- Result in a sound retirement system for school employees that does not create an increased financial burden on members, school districts and taxpayers.
- Continue to clarify that CFO/treasurers are not liable for the loss of public funds when performing all official duties with reasonable care (i.e., the loss of funds is not the result of the CFO/treasurer’s own negligence or wrongful act).
- Allow school districts to purchase financial liability insurance in lieu of purchasing a bond to cover the treasurer.
- Support effective processes that protect the CFO/treasurer and other school personnel from personal financial liability when verifying employee credentials, volunteer qualifications and other data in the education management information system.