Legislative Committee

The Legislative Committee is a standing committee that any OASBO Member may join. The purpose of this committee is to act as a resource in guiding members through the legislative advocacy process, and to provide members the necessary tools to participate in legislative advocacy.
Committee work includes:
- Reviewing and updating OASBO’s Legislative Platform every two years for review and approval by the OASBO Board;
- Studying proposed legislation and recommending positions consistent with the OASBO’s Legislative Platform;
- Being actively involved in promoting other member involvement with proposed legislation, their sponsors, members of the General Assembly and the Administration according to OASBO positions.
The Legislative Committee meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m.
Committee Contacts
- Chair: Erik Roush, eroush@columbus.k12.oh.us (Two-year term, appointed FY 23)
- Vice Chair:Mark Ingles, inglesma@japioneers.org (Two-year term, appointed FY 23)
- Board Liaisons: Kyle Smith, kyle.smith@bexley.us (Board CE Regional Director); Meghan Rohde, meghan.rohde@bayschoolsohio.org (Board NE Regional Director); Jennifer Bruns, bruns.jenn@sthenryschools.org (Board NW Regional Director); Terrah Stacy, tstacy@springboro.org, (Board SW Regional Director); Julie Smith julie.smith@nwmohawks.org (Board SE Regional Director)
- Staff Liaison: Katie Johnson, katie@oasbo-ohio.org (Executive Director)