ASBO International Committee

The ASBO International Committee is a standing committee that any OASBO Member may join. The purpose of the committee is to maintain and foster a link between OASBO and ASBO International.
Committee work includes:
- Encouraging OASBO Members to seek elected office on the ASBO Board of Directors, pursuing ASBO committee assignments, and participating in the ASBO International Annual Meeting & Exhibits.
- Coordinating meet-and-greet events for the Ohio contingent at the ASBO Annual Meeting if Ohio is running a candidate for an ASBO board position.
- Assisting OASBO members in recognizing the benefits of ASBO membership, not only for personal professional growth and recognition, but for the equally important benefit to school districts.
Committee Contacts
- Chair:Mark Pepara, (Two-year term, appointed FY 23)
- Vice Chair: Scott Gooding,, (Two-year term, appointed FY 23)
- Board Liaison: Todd Puster, (Board President)
- Staff Liaison: Katie Johnson, (Executive Director)