Editorial Advisory Committee

The Editorial Advisory Committee is a standing committee that any OASBO Member may join. The purpose of the committee is to guide the direction of publication content.
Committee work includes:
- Bringing current, relative topics for content in the SBO Quarterly magazine and the bi-weekly eNews;
- Suggesting editorial content for all OASBO platforms;
- Helping source articles (writing articles or finding authors to write articles);
- Acting as ambassadors for OASBO communications.
This committee meets at least quarterly, via Zoom Meeting
Committee Contacts
- Chair: Stephanie Hanna, shanna@monroevilleschools.org (Two-year term, appointed FY 23)
- Vice Chair: Eric Soltis, e_soltis@chuh.org (Two-year term, appointed FY 23)
- Board Liaison: Chris Poetter, cpoetter@vikingmail.org (Board Secretary/Treasurer)
- Staff Liaison & Editor: Cass Freeland cass@oasbo-ohio.org (Director of Marketing & Communications)
- Staff Liaison: Mary McCarthy, mary@oasbo-ohio.org