Audit Committee

The Audit Committee is a seven-member committee appointed by the OASBO President with rest of the Board of Directors’ concurrence. The Secretary-Treasurer of the Board shall serve as the Chair and the other six members shall be appointed with staggered three-year terms.
Committee work includes:
- Selecting and directing the activities of an independent audit firm on an annual basis;
- Providing guidance and advice on any issue brought out in the annual audit;
- Reviewing the audited financial statements and the form 990 and supporting tax schedules with the external auditor. The audit chairperson shall submit these documents to the Board of Directors for their approval prior to filing the 990.
- At its discretion, following up on other matters or concerns brought to their attention individually or jointly.
- Investigating and making appropriate recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning Whistle Blower reported concerns.
The committee meets at least one time per year.
Committee Contacts
- Chair: Christine Poetter, (Board Secretary/Treasurer)
- Staff Liaison: Debbie Trzeciak, (CFO)