
Protégés: School business officials who are seeking guidance as they transition into a new role, and who want to advance their career to the next level.
Click here to access the Need a Mentor online application.
Mentors: Experienced school business officials who want to help colleagues reach their full potential.
Click here to access the Become a Mentor online application.
OASBO's goal for the mentoring program is to attract and retain the caliber of people required to successfully manage school business and operations. We want you succeed in the school business profession!
The program is open to all Business Managers, Food Service Supervisor/Directors, Treasurers, and Transportation Supervisor/Directors who are OASBO members.
Fee and Credits
The mentoring program is included in your OASBO membership dues. Both mentors and protégés receive contact hours for the number of hours spent together and logged. At the end of the mentoring engagement, the mentor receives a $500 donation for their district.Matching Mentor with Protégé
The OASBO Mentoring Program is driven by both the protégé and the mentor, so the match is critical. OASBO takes into consideration the demographics, location, areas of specialization, and any special requests and needs of the protégé during mentor-protégé matching.How to Join the Program
If you are interested in serving as either a mentor or a protégé, utilize the above links to access the online application forms. If you know of someone you think would benefit from the program, please contact us at 614.431.9116, or mentoring@oasbo-ohio.org.Please note: This program is not designed as an internship for Business Manager or Treasurer licensure. If you are seeking licensure, we are happy to talk through your various options. You can also visit our treasurer pathway program page. Call at 614.431.9116.