Earn Credits
Education Credits
Reporting Education Credits
A variety of education credits are available for your participation in our Annual Conference. Please read the information below to ensure you follow the proper procedure to receive credit for all the sessions you attend.
Continuing Education Unit (CEU) & Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Credit
You will earn contact hours towards CEU and CPE credit for attending any Annual Conference sessions (including general sessions).
A contact hour code will be issued at the end of each general session and track session. Note the password on your notebook to enter in the website or mobile app by April 18. A three question session evaluation is required when submitting each password. Upon completion of this process, you will be issued contact hours on your transcript. You may not, under any circumstances, share any password with any attendee who did not attend that session.Your mobile app user name and password is the same as your OASBO main website login credentials.
Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Credit
If you are an attorney seeking CLE credit for presenting or attending a session, please pick up a CLE form at the registration desk and complete it as you attend sessions. Follow the instructions on the CLE form for credit submission information.
University Credit
University credit is available from Ashland University.
Center for Public Investment Management (CPIM) Credit
CPIM credit is available for those track sessions approved by the Ohio Treasurer of State’s office. See below for the tracking and reporting processes to ensure you receive CPIM credit for those sessions attended. It is the responsibility of each attendee to ensure the following steps are completed to receive CPIM credit.
Reporting CPIM Hours
During the Conference:
Each track session will have its own CPIM form. Attendees will have access to the CPIM form from the respective session facilitator. You will need to complete the form and sign the back of the form (Page 2) and return the form to the session facilitator at the end of the presentation. .NOTE: The password for contact hours on the OASBO site will not count for CPIM credit.
Step 1
Be sure you have your account set up in TOS.
TOS Touchpoint serves as a secure single sign-on authentication tool, allowing users to access a dashboard with several CPIM applications using a single set of credentials. Thisi eliminates the issue of remembering different passwords for each application. You will only need to register for TOS Touchpoint once.
After registering with TOS Touchpoint, CPIM users will be directed to a dashboard (My Dashboard) to load the following apps: CPIM: File and Exemption, CPIM: Annual Certification Fee, and CPIM: Learning Management System.
For help, contact TOS by phone: (800) 228-1102 or by email: cpim@tos.ohio.gov
TIP: If you are a new treasurer and need further assistance in setting up your CPIM account (you are required to pay an Annual CPIM Certification Fee of $100), please contact the OASBO Events Team, events@oasbo-ohio.org, for the TOS Touchpoint User Guide.
If for any reason, you miss more than 10 minutes of instruction for personal or business needs, you are obligated to account for the missed time when reporting your hours. For example, if you make a phone call that lasts 15 minutes in the middle of a session, you should report 0.75 hours if the “Hours Possible” for that course is 1.0 hours.
Step 2
If you are seeking CPIM certification (i.e., you want credit for these hours), you are required to pay an Annual CPIM Certification Fee of $100. If you have paid your fee, a green box will appear at the top of your TOS TouchPoint screen. If you have not paid, a red box will appear. Click on the red box, and follow the payment instructions. You will not receive an invoice, but you may download an invoice on the payment page. If you do not pay the Annual CPIM Certification Fee before December 31, 2025, you will NOT earn CPIM hours for these courses.
For help navigating MyCPIM, contact 800.228.1102