BWC Expands School Safety and Security Grant to Include HVAC Improvements


The School Safety and Security Grant (SSSG) has been expanded to help cover the costs of improvements to heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.

Additional funding of $15,000 is available to any qualifying entity under the SSSG program to cover the cost of inspections, assessments, maintenance, and improvements to HVAC systems and the purchase of other secondary devices to control the spread of airborne contaminants, including viruses, for eligible applicants.

"These $15,000 grants will help enhance student and school employee safety and health while at school. Improving school HVAC systems is another way to help keep students and school employees healthy and safe," said BWC Administrator/CEO Stephanie McCloud.

This offering is available to employers with no matching amount required and eligible applicants may apply even if they have exhausted all previously available SSSG funds. A secondary application is required for employers receiving funds for HVAC improvements.

An exact list of qualifying equipment can be found here. Other questions about the program should be emailed to

Click here for an application.

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