Natural Gas Purchasing Using SmartPortfolio

Energy Alliances, Inc. understands natural gas. We've been in the business since 1985 and have a proven track record. We now serve nearly a half-million customers in Ohio. The reason for our success is service and knowledge. Together, we can establish a sound purchasing strategy for your school distsrict which may include highly successful procurement strategies available only to Energy Alliances' customers.
Working closely with OASBO, Energy Alliances offers Constellation’s SmartPortfolio as a program to make managing your natural gas supply transparent and simple. SmartPortfolio has a proven track record and can be implemented with just a few simple steps. Energy Alliances can determine if SmartPortfolio is right for you. If a different strategy or product would better fit your goals, needs and resources, we can help. The Energy Alliances team of seasoned professionals are with you to select the right program, support changes to your portfolio and help insure a great experience.
Constellation's ​SmartPortfolio proactively manages your full physical natural gas requirements through one simple, transparent and flexible strategy. Your total natural gas supply is managed through a combination of spot market pricing and time-diversified price locks. You can choose to have any amount of their SmartPortfolio volumes locked over time based on risk tolerance and volatility protection needs. Over 2,200 customers have enrolled in Constellations managed products with 180 million dekatherms of customer volumes managed in these programs.
The process, depending on availability of district officials and school board approval can take less than three weeks.
School districts should make their initial inquiry to Energy Alliances Inc.
Click here to view program documents.
**An attorney should be contacted for advice on or review of the contract associated with a Benchmark Program**